First fire of 2016

On January 13th at approx. 1930 hours, Ulster Hose was dispatched for a reported structure fire with flames in the rear of the building at the Smoke Shop on Ulster Ave. Car 3 arrived on the scene first with a heavy smoke condition and a second alarm was transmitted. The engine crew stretched a line to the front door, gained entry and made their way to the back of the store while the truck crew went to the roof to ventilate and searched the adjacent stores. The fire was quickly knocked down and an extensive overhaul was used to ensure no extension into the adjacent stores. Ulster Hose was assisted at the scene by Kingston Fire, Centerville Cedargrove, Glasco, Ulster Police, and Mobile Life Support. Ruby and Port Ewen stood by at Ulster Hose headquarters and station 2.

2016-01-14T22:40:22-05:00January 14, 2016|
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