Congratulations to Ulster Hose member Charlot Wenzel; who has completed the National Standardized Child Passenger Safety Course.
“The National Child Passenger Safety Certification Training Program certifies people as child passenger safety technicians and instructors. Since the program began in 1997, more than 154,000 people have completed training and been certified as child passenger safety (CPS) technicians. They come from hospitals, police departments, fire departments and health departments. Many technicians are parents, many are volunteers, but they all have one thing in common: They care deeply about kids and want to make sure they’re safe.
CPS technicians and instructors put their knowledge to work by conducting child safety seat checks, where parents and caregivers receive hands-on assistance with proper use of child restraint systems and safety belts.
Safe Kids is the certifying body for the National Child Passenger Safety Certification Training Program. It administers all aspects of CPS certification and maintains a directory of nationally certified CPS technicians and instructors. Safe Kids provides course materials, registration and customer service to CPS technicians and instructors.” (