Ulster Hose Members Attend Ulster Library Reading Hour

On Monday, August 7th, Captain T. Quigley, Lieutenant Hassett, firefighters Orr, J. Heppner, Evans-Wright and Ott attended the Town of Ulster Library Reading Hour with preschoolers and held a presentation on fire safety and preparedness, firefighting gear, and allowed the young participants to check out Unit 61-15 (Engine 1). Participants were able to ask questions, walk up to firefighter Evans-Wright in his full turnout gear, and received helmets, coloring books, crayons, pencils and stickers from the members. Thank you to the TOU Library for hosting us!

Firefighter Ott describes the turnout gear donned by firefighter Evans-Wright Participants of the library program observe and ask questions about Ulster Hose Engine 1 with Lieutenant Hassett and firefighter Evans-Wright looking on.

2023-08-14T10:50:49-04:00August 14, 2023|
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